Goal 1. Wastewater System Regulatory Compliance: Our overarching goal is to avoid any warning letter or compliance action from Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) or the United States (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Objective: Ensure all wastewater systems and operations meet or exceed state and federal regulations, including those set by the FDEP and the EPA.
Performance Measure: Regulatory Compliance – percent of days IWSD was fully compliant with all applicable regulations during the calendar year.
Standard: 95% of days compliant
Rational: The District expects to operate our sewer system in full compliance with our permitted operating conditions. As such, our nominal condition should be fully compliant with our existing DEP and EPA permit conditions.
Performance Measure: Unauthorized discharge of sewage (aka Sanitary Sewer Overflow)
Standard: Zero (0) gallons of sewage spilled per million gallons of sewage handled.
Rational: The District is implementing a Smart Utility system as a first line of defense against sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) and condition assessment of the sewer basins.
Goal 2. Drinking Water System Regulatory Compliance: Our overarching goal is to avoid any warning letter or compliance action from FDEP or the U.S. EPA.
Objective: Ensure all water systems and operations meet or exceed state and federal regulations, including those set by the FDEP and the EPA.
Performance Measure: Inspect 100% residential backflows biennially.
Standard: 50% of the residential backflows are inspected annually.
Rational: 62-555.360, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), Cross-Connection Control for Public Water Systems, Table 62-555.360-1, specifies that residential service connections shall be tested after installation or repair and at least biennially
Performance Measure: Fire hydrant inspection annually
Standard: 85% of the hydrants are inspected and maintained.
Rational: American Water Works Association (AWWA) manual 17, provides that all hydrants should be inspected regularly, at least once a year, to ensure their satisfactory operation. Licensed Water Distribution Technicians will keep the area around the hydrant clean, repaint hydrants and bollards, and flush and exercise hydrants.
Goal 3. Customer Service
Objective: Ensure all water systems and operations meet or exceed state and federal regulations, including those set by the FDEP and the EPA.
Performance Measure: The average response time, in business days, to review submitted development plans.
Standard: Review is completed within 20 business days 90% of the time
Rational: Development plan review and approval is important because it ensures compliance with the District’s engineering standards. To respect and accommodate the schedules of our customers and their consultants (engineers), it is important that development plan review occurs in a timely manner. 20 business days has been determined to be a reasonable amount of time to conduct review of submitted plans.
Performance Measure: The average response time, in calendar days (or hours), to respond to an Emergency Work Order.
Standard: Emergency Work Order is completed within 24 hours 100% of the time.
Rational: Emergencies consist of no pressure or water, water main breaks, service line breaks (under the road), damaged fire hydrants. These types of failures result in customers having no potable water and severe water loss for the District.
Goal 4. Asset Management
Objective: Regularly inspect, maintain, and upgrade water and wastewater infrastructure to prevent failures, reduce inflow and infiltration, and accommodate future growth and development.
Performance Measure: Develop an Asset Management Plan addresses planning for operations, maintenance and capital investment decisions for the Water and Wastewater Infrastructure systems.
Standard: Establish a proactive Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) that addresses planning for operations, maintenance and capital investment decisions for the Water and Wastewater Infrastructure systems.
Rational: Performance Management is a key component of any successful Asset Management Program. There should be connectivity from the Strategic Plan for IWSD down to the daily work activities that are needed to achieve asset management goals to obtain staff buy-in and understanding their role towards asset management.
ACTIVITY: Implementation of established policies and procedures to control and operate the District.
Goal 5. Financial Sustainability
Objective: Maintain a balanced financial condition that ensures monies are available for necessary operating and capital expenditures, while striving to maintain an affordable rate structure.
Performance Measure: Operating Expenses
Standard: Actual operating expenses are 90% or more of budgeted operating expenses.
Rational: This metric assesses the actual operating expenses incurred as compared to the operating expenses anticipated in the budget.
Performance Measure: Bank Reconciliation Should Agree to Ending General Ledger Balance
Standard: All bank accounts be reconciled monthly to the general ledger balance and that the reconciliation be reviewed and approved for accuracy.
Rational: A bank reconciliation should agree with the ending general ledger balance on a monthly basis because it ensures the accuracy of your financial records by identifying and correcting any discrepancies between your internal accounting records and the bank statement, allowing for timely detection of errors, potential fraud, and ultimately providing a reliable picture of your company's cash position.
Goal 6. Public Engagement
Objective: Conduct District business openly and transparently so that the public can be as informed and engaged as they want to be with the governance of the District. Also, engage the public through environmental education opportunities provided to our community within the watershed.
Performance Measure: Provide public education to community members on capital projects.
Standard: Publish monthly updates on capital projects, including project goals, timelines, or progress reports, through multiple channels (website, social media, or board meetings).
Rational: This metric fosters trust between the public and the District. When community members, and the public in general, are well-informed, they are more likely to support and participate in governance processes.
Performance Measure: Provide education related to water conservation, infrastructure, happenings at the District, and protecting our natural systems to Customers through social media.
Standard: Create or share at least two videos, posts, or messages per month, via Facebook or other social media platforms.
Rational: We understand that sometimes the easiest way to get information is through social media. This metric will give us an idea of how our shared content is performing in terms of engagement, helping us refine our approach to educating our customers by analyzing the data tracked within the social media platform.
Goal 7. Workforce
Objective: Maintain and develop an educated, effective, and safe workforce, because knowledgeable, effective, and safe workers are critical to meet the demands of operating and maintaining our wastewater treatment systems and assets.
Performance Measure: Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR)
Standard: Zero (0) recordable injuries.
Rational: We want our workforce to work safely, because avoiding injury is good for our individual team members and our rate payers.
Performance Measure: Staff accreditation, i.e., do staff have the required licenses and certifications to fulfill their job description.
Standard: 100% of staff have their required licenses or certification necessary to perform their job responsibilities.
Rational: Many of our employees are required to obtain and maintain various licenses and certifications in order to effectively fulfill their job description. It is critical that District staff are properly trained, and many of relevant training programs confer a license (e.g., wastewater treatment plant operator A, professional engineer), which signifies the employee has met rigorous training standards of their profession.